The importance of smudging…

Native American sage burning/smudging is the most commonly recognized practice of burning sage. But other cultures have incorporated this practice for many years. Sage energetically purifies and clears a space. Burning sage or smudging should be done to keep yourself and environment energetically balanced. It promotes maintaining a peaceful state of being, spiritual awareness, intuition, […]

Program Your Water With Crystals

Did you know that water has its own “consciousness” and that we can affect it with our thoughts, emotions, environment and crystal energy? Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author and scientist has proven with many experiments that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.   Our human body is made of around […]

Crystal Grids

Creating crystal grids is as simple as laying crystals in a specific pattern to create an energy vortex, amplifying the healing energy of the crystals and your chosen intention. Grids can be placed in our home & garden, around our vision boards or our office. Crystal grids create potent energy vortexes that amplify the crystal […]

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