How to protect and strengthen your energy field

There are many different ways how we can protect our own energy field and keeping our aura and the chakras cleansed and balanced. Today we will touch on some of the very effective ones that are very easy to do daily.

Why do we need to keep our aura and chakras cleansed?

We are all energy. Everything around us is energy. Every living being and every little thing has a particular energy vibration (frequency). The lower the frequency, the more of a negative effect it has on our wellbeing.

During our busy day we deal with other people’s energy and some might not match our frequency and the particles of their energy can get attached to our energy field. This also happens if there are some negative thoughts and emotions directed to you, or if you work in a line of service to others and others see you as their “saviour” and may non-intentionally “hook” into your aura, which then drains your energy.

Physical and electromagnetic pollution also affects our energy in a negative way. If we are working in a polluted environment or in a place where there are a lot of gadgets, this can really lower our own frequency.

When our energy field has a low vibration, it tends to affect our sleep, we feel irritated, tired, sometimes people feel like they have a constant bad luck and that in general their life is out of balance.

What affects our aura is our emotions. If we are feeling positive and happy, our aura will reflect that. If we are “running a program” of negative thoughts and emotions, this weakens our aura and lowers our vibration. In this case it is a good idea to look deeper into our emotions and heal or release any deep-seated emotional trauma from the past.

So how do we cleanse our energy field?

  1. Smudge yourself with white sage smudge stick or palo santo wood when you come home, especially if it was a really stressful day.
  2. Use crystals to shield your aura. Some of the strongest energy protection crystals are: Black Tourmaline, Nuummite, Shungite, Obsidian, Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli
  3. Use a protection balm on your pulse points and the Third Eye chakra. You can apply it in the morning, before leaving the house for the day and also re-apply it during the day, especially if you find yourself in a stressful environment. Some people like to apply it also on soles of their feet for some extra grounding.
  4. Visualise yourself in a dark blue bubble or cylinder that goes below your feet and above your head. Dark Blue is a powerful protection colour that cannot be detected or felt as barrier to others.
  5. Have an energy cleansing bath after a long day with some lovely bath salts or essential oils and candles.
  6. Ask Archangel Michael to cut all the cords that are draining your energy and vitality.

These are just a few effective ways to protect and cleanse your energy. You can use a combination of a few, all of them together or something completely different.


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